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XiP Desktop 3D Printer


After conducting a variety of research, surveying users, and using competitor products for test prints. The goal became to create a drip free experience besides the speed, quality and cutting edge technology.


The quest was to make a newly patented technology that has only been used in industrial 3d printers more accessible to everyday users. Which meant looking at the ecosystem of the product and doing in depth research on users and their pain points in regards to using desktop resin printers.


One day when we were doing field research, we noticed their material scientist running the machine without any build plate, which seemed very strange. As we waited all puzzled, he put his hand with the glove in the vat and pulled out a thin sheet of cured material!! Then he explained that he is too lazy to clean the vat, so by creating this sheet at the bottom, all the loose particles would attach to it and come out!! Wow, that was brilliant. We had to let every user know there was a shortcut so we created a tool and added a whole cleaning interface flow for everyone to use.


Our talented team of designers, created solutions from, desktop printer body to the resin bottle, packaging, accessory kit, interface, onboarding animations, wash machine, air purifier, logos,..... And finally XiP was born.


Nexa 3d, aimed to create a superior desktop 3d printer to expand from industrial market to consumer market. XiP was designed by Mocu Design and has generated over $1.5 million in revenue within the first year of product launch.

Product & Competitor Research
User Experience & Target market research
Problem Solving & Concept Generation
3D Modeling & 3D rendering
Product Visualization & Animation
Packaging Design
User interface/ User experience design
